TSG’s Merchant Portfolio Performance Study (MPPS) database, the largest U.S. small and midsize merchant database of its kind, provides users access to hundreds of performance metrics based on merchant-level data.
OMAHA, NE, April 9, 2014: The Strawhecker Group (TSG), a management consulting company focused on the global electronic payments industry, is pleased to announce, during the Electronic Transactions Association’s TRANSACT 14 event, the continued growth of its merchant database, which now exceeds two million merchants and is estimated to be over twenty percent of the U.S. small and midsize business market.
MPPS is comprised of a database populated with merchant-level data from eighteen different companies that are top 60 U.S. merchant acquirers, several of which fall within the top 20. At inception, TSG’s database held just over five hundred thousand merchants, which has since grown immensely. By Q2 2014 TSG expects to have over twenty portfolios, approaching 2.5 million merchants in the database.
Mike Strawhecker, vice president & director of TSG Metrics says, “This is a key milestone for TSG. With this big data, participating portfolio members are able to cut data tens of thousands of different ways. This breadth of data has not been seen by this industry yet and provides a significant advantage to the user.”
In conjunction with the growth of TSG’s database, TSG has created an online Web Portal for its members to access real-time information to benchmark their portfolios versus the market.
“TSG is striving to make the data as real-time as possible for members, allowing them to build or change strategies as trends develop. It really is revolutionary,” says Strawhecker.
About TSG
The Strawhecker Group (TSG) is a management consulting company focused on the payments industry. The company specializes in providing financial institutions, merchant acquirers, card associations, ISOs, processing companies, large merchants, and the investment community with advisory services to maximize their growth and profitability. TSG is also a resource of merchant acquiring industry research, benchmark studies and developing trends. For more information please visit www.TheStrawGroup.com.
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