TSG’s Merchant Advisory team has extensive experience working with large merchants in all markets and vertical segments.
OMAHA, NE, July 08, 2014: The Strawhecker Group (TSG), a management consulting company focused on the global electronic payments industry, is announcing the expansion of its Merchant Advisory services for large merchants to support their needs in the wake of ever-changing payment acceptance standards, security infrastructure needs, card brand requirements, and new technologies.
TSG already offers merchant advisory with security assessments and processing efficiency reviews, but is now also expanding POS system reviews to help merchants with EMV readiness, mobile integration, NFC, beacon technology, business software integration, and loyalty programs.
“The importance of protecting your consumer-facing brand is imperative to minimize reputational risk. The recent fallout from nationally recognized merchants and the Target breach has hurt brands financially, decreased customer satisfaction, and caused management shakeups. TSG can help prepare merchants to avoid these situations,” says Jamie Savant, Co-Founder and Partner of TSG.
Senior Associate, Chuck Fillinger, previously First Data’s Head of Product Development, leads TSG’s Merchant Advisory services along with Senior Associate, John Kirkpatrick, previously CIO at TransFirst.
“With the recent ongoing major merchant data breaches at the forefront of the mainstream media, more and more merchants should be worried about payments security. Furthermore, the continuous technology advancements, the rise of mobile, and the switch to EMV have flustered many merchants,” says Kurt Strawhecker, Managing Partner of TSG.
Click here to learn more about TSG’s Merchant Advisory services.
Click here to sign up for TSG’s NewsFilter for Large Merchants. This monthly resource helps merchants stay abreast of recent payments trends to enhance decision-making.
About TSG
The Strawhecker Group (TSG) is a management consulting company focused on the payments industry. The company specializes in providing financial institutions, merchant acquirers, card associations, ISOs, processing companies, large merchants, and the investment community with advisory services to maximize their growth and profitability. TSG is also a resource of payments industry research, benchmark studies and developing trends. For more information please visit www.TheStrawGroup.com.
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