ABC News – 9/30/14: PayPal’s impending split from long-time partner eBay Inc. will ratchet up its appeal to online retail competitors such as and give it the freedom to aggressively take on new mobile pay challenger Apple Pay. For eBay, the challenge will be how to drive revenue without its fastest-growing division. The move marks a 180-degree turn for eBay Inc. CEO John Donahoe, who had been adamant in spurning activist investor Carl Icahn’s call months ago to spin off PayPal. Donahoe, who will step down after the split is finalized in the second half of next year, said he now agrees that it’s the right path for both companies. With the launch of Apple Pay next month expected to reshape the mobile payments industry, Icahn said he’s “happy” eBay came around, “perhaps a little later than they should have, but earlier than we expected.”
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