Boston, May 10, 2016 — The global financial regulations that resulted from the financial crisis in 2008–2009 are taking full effect as world commerce and banking proceed headlong through 2016. While the regulatory impetus is primarily directed at financial institutions, most notably the various adaptations of Basel III capital and liquidity requirements into specific market legal schemes, corporations must be prepared to manage the consequences, whether intended or not. Banks are required to adeptly manage balance sheets given higher capital and asset quality mandates, which has a downstream effect on corporate clients of all sizes. Added pressure is now resident within corporate CFO and Treasury operations, as they navigate the ensuing effects of these regulations on liquidity and cost of capital. Technology maturation is also having an impact of the ability for corporate cash managers to more effectively manage financial operations. Supply chain finance (SCF) solutions are playing an increasing role in helping financial institutions to expand their options for lending opportunities in the face of demanding risk management requirements around balance sheets.