TechCrunch – 4/28/15: PayPal today is making a change to its online payment service on the web, which will now allow customers to checkout from a merchant’s website without having to enter in their user ID and password to complete a transaction, after their initial login. The system, called One Touch for Web, is an expansion of PayPal’s earlier efforts on mobile. Last fall, the company announced the general availability of One Touch mobile payments at TechCrunch Disrupt, which then introduced an easier way for consumers to shop and pay on mobile devices. On mobile, the platform was built using technology from PayPal acquisition Braintree, and was initially found in a number of applications, including those from, ParkWhiz, StubHub and Threadless, for example. Today, others such as Airbnb, Lyft, Munchery, Boxed and YPlan are also using the system.
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